Saturday, August 16, 2014

How we build a great company

As it looks now SelfieJobs will get off the shelf sometime late autumn. Still bugs to fix, limited marketing money and so on but we will fix that as we have met every other challenge and they have been plenty.  Here is a sketch on our anticipated lifecycle
1-Innovate and develop. Started late spring. Prior to this phase our founders had some key learnings. We found that it is possible to simplify recruitment and maintain relevant and depth. We sketch and do wire frames, check with clients and users. Prepitch to investors and develop code and designs. First version was cool early July but still not enough to launch. 1.1 development started and when we feel we have the right feel, team and timing...
2-One the launch is done we enter a phase called launch and iterate. Since we still run on ultralite budget we can afford to change the concept as we gain insight on usage and preference. We think we got it right from start but are open to changes in concept, target group and design. There is no doubt that this will succeed.
3-Expand and Explode. When we feel we have momentum and have shared love with the clients its time to expand. In this phase team and platform have found its way and we just need to scale. Sweden is not enough for sure if our guess is right:). Spotify is our inspiration in the start-up phase and  AirBnB in  the expansion phase.
4-Go Corporate but keep the startup culture.